Saturday, 29 May 2010

FRAGILE: I'd better not drop it!

I am taking part in FRAGILE, a global performance art event starting in August, although by the time I participate it will be probably at least November. The aim is to transport a single object from artist to artist, making a complete journey round the world. The as yet unnamed object will start and end its peregrinations in Florence, Italy. After a large number of visits round the continent, it will presumably arrive in Britain, zip several times around London and then strike out further afield, until it arrives at one of the other participants in Wales, who will then deliver it to me. Then it is my responsibility to convey the object to the next person in Wales. Ideally I would like to do this by walking, cycling, and/or public transport but it depends on how far I have to go, the nature of the object, and the weather. Needless to say I will have to put my own spin on the journey (without actually spinning the object, of course).

23 September 2010

The object has now begun its journey but given its itinerary that passes it round the continents a few time before coming to Britain, it seems my participation will not take place until at least 2011. It is quite exciting as the project co-ordinators are sending out a newsletter every time it crosses a national border. The first one contained a lovely photograph of the hands of a ring of friends placed on the object, along with some gold rings. Very appropriate, underscoring the preciousness and connectedness of the undertaking.

More details on the Fragile: global performance chain journey website

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